About the Class
''I just want to be myself.'' It's the inherent desire of us all, isn’t it? Because if we get to be ourselves, then we live a life that feels good to us. If we stay close to ourselves, then we make decisions that are aligned with how we want to feel. If we do what brings us joy, then life will come to us. It’s so simple, yet so difficult.
Human Design helps you to get closer to yourself and live your truth thanks to the energetich blueprint that's given to you from the moment you were born.
Maybe Human Design is new to you or you're already in your experiment, either way - you’re at the right place. In this masterclass I'll help you decode the Human Design system for a better understanding.
I will educate about Human Design, show you how to read the chart and walk through all the foundational principles of Human Design.
You'll learn:
~ how your energy field works as a type
~ the way you make decisions that are correct for you
~ a strategy on how to make things happen in life
~ to understand your conditioning and not-self patterns
Make sure you reserve your spot beforehand, as I will want give you your unique Human Design blueprint on the event.
Date: Thursday 20th of July 2023
Time: 20.00 - 22.00 PM
Address: De Hooge Woning, Voorweg 109 Zoetermeer (https://goo.gl/maps/RWXSn6RaZruh6yHd7)
Price: 18 euros
About your Host
Lisa Jane is a lively and open-minded woman who specializes as a Human Design Educator, Embodier & Life Mentor. She has always followed her feelings and thanks to Human Design she has learned to trust them even more. She follows her own path and her mission is to empower others to do the same. Lisa Jane is passionate about living according to her design and guiding others in their personal growth process.