Nothing is infinite: how current energy influences us.
I’m writing this as I feel fucking high on life. So why am I coming in with such a headline then? I hear you thinking.
Well yes, because I think it’s even more important to show you that nothing is forever. Even my high right now. We’re so used to seeing the highs of people and when there’s a low, most kind of disappear (uh, that’s me included ;-)
‘‘I want to show you that even my high high is thanks to the influences of the planets.’’
I’m thriving on this current energy, writing to you on 19th of April 2023. I’m putting myself out there, I’m making new connections, I’m bringing ideas into reality and I basically feel unstoppable.
The thing is… We can get really attached to this high vibe energy. We believe that this is how life’s supposed to be. That we ‘have to think positive’, ‘make the most out of it’ and that ‘you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it’, right? Sounds familiar?
We see mostly the highs of others. And what we see, makes us believe that we have to be in that high too, as much as possible. Together with the whole self-empowerment and manifestation movement, we believe that we have to stay positive all the time, because… we create our own reality, right?
Okay, at this moment of time, I’m experiencing that this is a truth, yes. BUT it’s not the truth that we have to hold onto all the time. I’m using the currently active energy to my benefit, so that ‘manifesting’ flows for me, in a way that is correct for me as a Projector.
Knowing who I truly am as starting point
Let me show you how this works.
Here you see my Human Design chart. This is my energetic blueprint of the moment that I was born. This is who I truly am. My definition shows in 2 centers: the Solar Plexus and Root, plus several gates and 1 channel, the 39-55.
This definition is the energy that I have within me; it is consistent to me. I have consistent access to this energy and it is familiar to me. I can always depend on it.
Then we have also have a chart of the current moment, which shows the energy that is currently active. If you think about it, it’s logical, because also in this moment new babies are born and that means their Human Design chart is the exact one of what is currently active now.
If you curious how this actually works, then I can really recommend to read this article on Jovian Archive. Or listen to these audios.
Planets influence create current transits
So here you see the current BodyGraph (dated 19.4.2023). In here you see which energy is active now.
If you look at this chart and mine, you can see some connections straight away. For example:
My Gate 48 connect to current Gate 16
My Gate 35 connects to current Gate 36
Both my channel as current channel 39-55 are defined and active
The magic actually happens when a connection chart is made: literally mixing 2 charts together. What I want to show you here, is how I am able to flow with life, with energy that works for me and when current energy isn’t matching my chart in a benefital way, that it is OKAY for me to embrace the low, to rest, to cocoon, to hermit, whatever I feel like. We do not have to push and force all the time.
The Influence of the Cosmic Weather on me
So here we go, look at this beautiful chart above. This is me now, we could say. Crazy isn’t it? This is actually how I’m being activated at the moment. I have energy in my field that is familiar to me (Solar Plexus, Root, 39-55 for example), and I have energy that I can use in my favor. Like the several channels that are activated right now. I have 2 channels going to my throat right now (16-48 and 35-36), which can indicate that I’m more able to speak out my truth and how I feel. Also, having the Sacral center defined now indicates that I have life force, creative energy activated in me to put things out there.
Well, like I said in the beginning - yes, I all feel this very strongly.
It’s conditioning
it’s important to be aware about this all and to not fall into Not-Self patterns. All this ‘‘extra’’ energy, is not mine. It’s not familiar to me in that way. So what can happen? Not-Self can pop up, like:
Wanting to hold onto this high vibe energy (Not-Self Speen)
Not knowing when enough is enough (Not-Self Sacral)
Trying to seek for attention (Not-Self Throat)
Not knowing which direction to go to (Not-Self G-center)
The pitfall really lays in thinking that all this currently ‘‘borrowed’’ energy is mine. It’s not. It’s just the neutrinos that move through me and condition me.
I’m using the conditioning in my benefit at the moment. Conditioning itself doesn’t have to be bad, you can choose to condition yourself in a way that works for you.
But it’s important to also know that it’s not forever. This planets will move, the neutrinos will change, the energy will change. And that means that my energy level, my mood, my emotions, my thought, my feelings - everything will change too.
Everything changes consistently
Change is in fact the only stability we have. Let’s make sure we’re able to lead ourselves through that.
I’m enjoying each moment of the now. Especially with my channel 39-55, my highs are really high. Being so consciously grateful and happy. Whenever that low will come again. It’s all okay. It’s all good.
And as I am typing this article, to be honest with you: f*ck I’m tired! Lol :') I’ve been in the energy of so many other beautiful people today, and then I really felt I wanted to externalize this article with you, but now it’s time to take some rest.
Thank you for reading.
With love,
Lisa Jane